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Enjoy a clothes-free walk through a little known forest, south of Ballan. Cool your feet in the East Moorabool River or jump in for a skinny dip if you prefer.

GRADE | LENGTH | TYPE: Grade 3: Medium 8 km circuit walk along 4WD tracks, animal pads beside the river and through the open forest (graded according to the AWTGS: Australian Walking Tracks Grading System). There are a couple of steepish sections, but we will take our time.

ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION: This event is for naturists. We will first meet in Ballan for a coffee, snacks and introductions. After this, the leader will give an outline of the day and we will then arrange car pooling for the 21 km (30 min) trip south of Ballan, to the start of the walk. Cars going into the forest should have average, or higher, ground clearance. Other cars can be left all day in Ballan until we return. Once in the forest we can discard our clothes, apply sunscreen and enjoy a leisurely walk through the open forest to reach the river. Once there we can have a relaxed lunch before exploring more of the river and waterholes before returning through the forest to the cars. We then plan to return to Ballan to the Commercial Hotel where we can relax and have cool drinks /coffee and chips. If you wish you can stay on and have dinner at the hotel.