
Persona is showing in the Pride Gallery from 23 July – 15 September.

The exhibition explores the fundamental essence that we share as human beings, beyond labels and prejudices. Through these works, artist Camila Paz seeks to emphasise that, regardless of our differences, we all share the same humanity. This fundamental reminder is the foundation upon which we build bridges of understanding and acceptance.  

Each artwork presented here is a visual testament to the diversity that enriches our world. Embracing the multiplicity of perspectives and expressions, Camila calls for an appreciation of beauty in variety and the construction of a society where everyone finds their place while respecting individual choices, allowing each person to weave their own destiny with freedom and authenticity. 

In this space, Camila aims to acknowledge the struggles of those who sometimes feel discriminated against. This exhibition raises its voice in solidarity, reminding them that their experience is unique and valuable. Here, we strive to build bridges of support and understanding, weaving a network of sisterhood that amplifies silenced voices. 

This exhibition seeks to showcase the richness of humanity and calls for the construction of a more compassionate and respectful world, where diversity and tolerance are celebrated. Above all, it serves as a reminder that, ultimately, we all share the most important title: being human.