Hannah Malarski headshot by Gigi Shaw

Big Dyke Energy

The Rainbow Tree

Four circus performance cut out and collaged in frame. They are all performing tricks on Greek columns.


Bent Twig Alliance poster with partner trademarks and an animation of tree branches with leaves.

Free Open Bent Twig Seniors Lunch (LGBTQIA+ event)

Pride in the North Summit beyond the Rainbow Lanyard poster with date, Qr Code and supporter trademarks

Pride in the North Summit: Beyond the Rainbow Lanyard

An abstract design showcases flaming flowers over a textured field of varied roots, with smaller, blurred flowers in the sky.

Elegy for an Elephant: The making of a picture book

Growing up Autistic in a Neurotypical World poster with date, location, panel members headshots and QR code/link for the event

Growing up Autistic in a Neurotypical World

Five people smile at the camera with the text 'YOUTH FEST IN THE WEST' overlaid

Living with Disability LGBTQIA+ Social Meet Up! | Brimbank Youth Fest

A person looks off to the distance and holds two makeshift blow -up earth sculptures.

Turn Turn Turn – a queer sci-fi play