Asexual peace gesture badge in the colours of the asexual flag

Asexual Peace Badge

Rainbow badge in the asexual flag colours with a heart in the corner

Asexual Pride Badge

Asexual Shoelaces in the flag colours

Asexual Shoelaces

Bisexual shoelaces featuring the colours of the flag

Bisexual Shoelaces

Lesbian shoelaces in the colour of the flag

Lesbian Shoelaces

A rainbow badge with the phrase 'love is love' in the centre

Love is Love Badge

Non-binary peace gesture badge in the colours of the flag

Non-Binary Peace Badge

Rainbow badge featuring the non-binary flag colours with a heart at the end of the rainbow

Non-Binary Pride Badge

Non-binary shoelaces in the colours of the flag

Non-Binary Shoelaces

Pansexual Peace Badge in the shape of the peace gesture with pansexual flag colours

Pansexual Peace Badge

Rainbow badge in the colours of the pansexual pride flag

Pansexual Pride Badge

book cover

Pre-order: The Making of the Pride Centre (hardcover)

book cover

Pre-order: The Making of the Pride Centre (soft cover)

Rainbow badge in the colours of the pride flag with a purple heart at the end of the rainbow

Rainbow Badge

A lightning bolt badge in the colours of the rainbow

Rainbow Lightning Bolt Badge

a badge designed with the peace finger symbol in a rainbow gradient

Rainbow Peace Badge