Jewish Lesbian Group of Victoria


The Jewish Lesbian Group of Victoria began in 1992, when three Jewish Lesbian friends got together to organise a workshop for Jewish Lesbians, as part of the Lesbian Festival being held in Melbourne that year. The turnout to the workshop was phenomenal, filling the room with warmth, laughter and tears of recognition and relief. We knew we had to keep on meeting! So our group began…

Since then, we have kept meeting regularly. Mostly, we meet in each others homes. But also, we have social meetings at restaurants, cafes, theatre etc. We celebrate the Jewish festivals together. The Jewish Lesbian Group of Victoria has worked consistently and successfully to create significant change in Jewish, Lesbian, Feminist and LGBTQI communities around Australia.

We are registered as: Charity.

More details

LGBTIQ Owned and Operated: Yes
Service Delivery Format:
  • - Face-to-face
Service Delivery Location:
  • - All of Victoria

Cost: Free

Jewish Lesbian Group at Midsumma

How to contact us

Contact Name: Shauna
Phone Number: 0411 812 282
Email Address:

Social media:

No physical address.