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Headshots and content photography

Shae Glue Astrologer

Astrologer Spiritual Counselling Intuitive Coach Recall Therapy Personal Development Archetypes

Melburn Durt

Melburn Durt is an off-road cycling community for women (cis & trans), trans men and GNC folk in Melbourne!

LGBTQ Domestic Violence Awareness Foundation

Raising awarenss about FDV in the LGBTQ community

Rainbow Muse Clinic

Art Therapy, Psychology, Play Therapy and Yoga

PH Celebrants special offer for LGBTQIA Community

Wedding ceremony special offer to the LGBTQIA community

Circus Mixtape – heavily subsidised class!

Circus Mixtape - heavily subsidised circus classes

Kyle Lockwood JP

LGBTIQA+ friendly Justice of the Peace in Melton and Bacchus Marsh, Victoria.

Melbourne Design Week: Queer Independent Games

A data art exhibition for Melbourne Design Week

LGBTIQA+ Support After Suicide

LGBTIQA+ Support After Suicide group

Photography Freelance: Events, documentation, social, festival, media

Photography, logo design, gif creation, events, festivals, documentation: theatre, art, opening nights, open air events, festival photography and media photography

A Thousand Threads: Stories of Us Poster Exhibition

trans/gender/queer creative team producing writing projects for the gender diverse community