Proud 2 Play

(Locker 5 – Forum) Proud 2 Play focuses on fostering an inclusive and welcoming sporting environment.

Who we are

At Proud 2 Play, our focus areas are centred around fostering an inclusive and welcoming sporting environment. We are dedicated to increasing LGBTQI+ engagement in sport, exercise, and active recreation, collaborating closely with the broader sporting community, and proactively tackling discrimination and hostility within the sporting realm.

What we do

Sport and movement are integral to the way of life, offering immense physical, mental and social benefits. However, it’s a sad reality that not everyone feels safe or comfortable participating due discrimination and stigma associated with their sexuality or gender identity. Proud 2 play is committed to changing this narrative and advocates for greater LGBTQI+ inclusion in sports and recreation. 

We believe that every individual, regardless of their sexuality or gender identity, should have the right to participate in sport and movement without fear of discrimination. We achieve this by working with all levels of the industry from community clubs to the elite and across the fitness sector to encourage and facilitate increased knowledge, learning and actions.