Spectrum Intersections – The Rainbow Neurodiverse Group


Spectrum Intersections is a peer led group for people 18 and over who identifies under the LGBTIQA+ umbrella and who fall under the neurodiversity spectrum, which includes but is not limited to autism spectrum, ADHD/ADD, Tourettes Syndrome, OCD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia, Epilepsy, and all other conditions that leads to a brain functioning outside of Neurotypical.

This group does not require a medical diagnosis of neurodiversity to attend the free peer group, and recognises the current access barriers that exist in gaining one.

This is a safe space and learning environment for people without fear of judgement, misunderstanding, harassment or abuse.

Spectrum Intersection provides connection, advocacy, and education to LGBTIQA+ Neurodiverse people, thier friends, families, and supports; community advocacy through board representation, and professional spaces through training and workplace/service consultancy.

More details

LGBTIQ Owned and Operated: Yes
Qualifications: Training and Education on Intersectional Neurodiversity
Consultancy and User Journeys for processes, services, and physical/online spaces.
Service Delivery Format:
  • - Face-to-face
  • - Online forum/Group
  • - Email
  • - Website
Service Delivery Location:
  • - All of Victoria

Cost: Free


Wheel Chair accessible
Cognitive Sensibility
Spectrum Intesections Logo

How to contact us

Email Address: enquiries@spectrumintersections.org
Website: https://spectrumintersections.org/

Social media:

No physical address.