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Will and Bequests

Defiantly Proud to the End!

Are you a LGTBIQ+ trailblazer, a human rights fighter and a lover of life and community?

Leave a Gift in your Will as part of your legacy. Support the Pride Centre to operate for the LGBTIQA+ community, now and into the future.

Everyone needs a will and LGBTIQA+ people have additional unique reasons to make a Will. No matter how large or small your estate, make your wishes matter.

If you would like to include the Pride Centre in your Will and would like to discuss the recommended wording, or wish to discuss the matter in general, please email us on contact@pridecentre.org.au.

Please let us know if you have added the Victorian Pride Centre to your Will.

“Donating to the Victorian Pride Centre provides a wonderful opportunity to contribute to creating LGBTIQ history in Australia. The VPC is an Australian first, a dedicated meeting place, host to vital community organisations and a showcase for LGBTIQ talent and diversity.”

Dr Ruth McNair, Chair, Gay and Lesbian Foundation of Australia (GALFA)

If you are writing your own Will the Victorian Pride Centre recommends the following wording for general bequests as a guide:

“I give to the Victorian Pride Centre, ABN 68 615 432 838 the sum of $……………. / or percentage / or the whole/rest and residue of my estate (complete as appropriate) for its General Purposes. The receipt of the Victorian Pride Centre Treasurer or other officer shall be sufficient discharge to my Executor for the Bequest”

Please note, while the Victorian Pride Centre cannot offer legal advice, we can answer your questions about the good a gift in your Will to the Victorian Pride Centre would achieve.

Alternatively, you may wish to contact a Legal Practitioner directly to ensure your Will is valid. A Legal Practitioner will be able to advise you on what type of provision in your Will suits you, such as:

  • a Cash Bequest (fixed amount)
  • a percentage of your Estate
  • an item of value
  • a Life Insurance Policy
  • a Life Interest in property or other assets for a period of time
  • the Residuary (remainder) of your Estate after others have been provided for
  • the whole of your Estate.

We suggest you may contact for advice:

Malcolm Campbell
Law Institute of Victoria Accredited Specialist in Wills & Estates
Nicholas O’Donohue & Co Lawyers
Level 29, 140 William Street Melbourne Victoria 3000
(03) 9607 8126

Jennifer Jackson
Senior Lawyer Estate Planning
Level 1, 5 Burwood Road Hawthorn Victoria 3122
(03) 9843 2153


Contact the Law Institute of Victoria and find a lawyer from the list of Accredited Specialists in Wills & Estates