Pride Centre Ambassador

The Victorian Pride Centre will be an iconic, beautiful, safe and inclusive place that will promote equality, diversity, wellbeing, understanding and resilience.

The Victorian Pride Centre will be an iconic, beautiful, safe and inclusive place that will promote equality, diversity, wellbeing, understanding and resilience.

The Pride Centre has a Pride Ambassador Program. The Pride Ambassadors are individuals of public standing who uphold the values of the Pride Centre – equality, diversity and inclusion for all – and be representative of the diversity of the LGBTIQA+ community and its staunch allies. Their role is to raise the profile of the Victorian Pride Centre amongst the LGBTIQA+ population and the general population in Australia and internationally.

A Crowdraising Ambassador

You can also become a crowdraising ambassador through our GiveNow program. By registering to crowdraise you can run a series of events or activate your friends to give what they can, so together you are ensuring that LGBTIQA+ communities and its allies, truly own the centre.

In practical terms, it will contribute to:

  • Ensuring flexible, permanent and professional working spaces for LGBTIQA+ organisations and groups
  • Creating state of the art historical, social, cultural and artistic spaces
  • 21st Century digital connection and access for the socially & geographically isolated
  • and a whole lot more.

For volunteering opportunities, please contact us directly at