
Flower sculpture

An exhibition by David Arlo and Nikhil James Arlo showing in the Pride Gallery


We’ve built this together; This step of many: Our love

The two of us were married in December of 2022. From the day we were engaged, we were determined to put on an event that was handcrafted, that moved people, and that reveled in camp and gaiety. We built these objects, garments and jewellery pieces to symbolically bring together and celebrate our queer and cultural identities. We hope to share our love and our creations with the Melbourne queer community.


Artist Biographies

David Arlo

David Arlo is a sculptor practicing in Naarm. Working through a multitude of domestic crafts, he builds autobiographical objects and installations that seek to entice viewers with a sense of comfort and nostalgia, an atmosphere that is delicately breached and complemented from within by emergent themes of queerness, family and trauma. Through his art, he seeks to share with his viewers a state of vulnerability and honesty, and through this bond, facilitate the crafting of new cognitions and experiences.

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Nikhil James Arlo

Nikhil James Arlo is an Anglo-Indian artist based in Naarm. Working through sculpture, photography and performance, they explore relationships between, place, object and body, and the intra-action of these elements, or forces. In a chosen site, they seek out histories and functionality to host their own narratives. Through this they amplify and channel the situational site to explore their energy, identity and sense of dimensionality.

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