Celebrancy for the LGBTIQ+ Community


Trevar is an Authorised Celebrant with the skills and experience to solemnise baby namings, legal marriages, memorial services and other rites of passage throughout Australia.

He is a father of three teenage children who are deeply suspicious of his mental health, and husband to one wicked drag queen. Though descended from four generations of Gippslanders, Trevar was born and raised in Sydney’s west. After two decades in the rather more humane environs of Canberra, he has finally been liberated from urbanity, and finds himself among the sublime hills of South Gippsland.

Trevar has worked in education, theatre and the community sector most of his adult life. Working most days as a relief teacher, he relishes the opportunity to celebrate with lovers as they make a lifelong commitment to each other and to support families in the grieving process.

Trevar is a proud bisexual member of the LGBTIQ+ community, deeply committed to supporting queer Australians to take advantage of their hard-won equality, and keen to support the polyamorous to celebrate their commitment.

He volunteers at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe every other year, and continues to support Canberra Qwire from Victoria. He has supported many initiatives to help the good folk of East Timor in education, the arts and social justice, and returns whenever possible.

All this, as well as his Scottish-Australian heritage, gives him a strong sense of ceremony, just the right amount of irreverence and a fabulous sense of humour that will strike the right balance between solemnity and joy whatever the occasion.

And yes, he’s always happy to wear the kilt!

We are registered as: Sole Trader.

More details

LGBTIQ Owned and Operated: Yes
Qualifications: BA, Grad Dip Ed, Grad Dip Art, Dip Mgt, Cert IV Celebrancy
Service Delivery Format:
  • - Face-to-face
  • - Online forum/Group
  • - Webchat
  • - Phone
  • - Email
  • - Website
Service Delivery Location:
  • - All of Victoria

Cost: $$$
Opening Times: Anytime

How to contact us

Contact Name: Trevar Alan Skillicorn-Chilver
Phone Number: 0493 739 027
Email Address: celebrant@chilver.net.au
Website: http://celebrant.chilver.net.au/

Social media:


No physical address.