Euphoria Social


Euphoria Social is a little coterie of individuals who are passionate about raising awareness for LGBTQIAPN+ mental health and social inclusion.

Euphoria Social is a group that incorporates various advocacy, awareness, indoor and outdoor activities including meet ups, dinners, workshops, resources, event pop ups, awards and outdoor activities.

We use our events for a cause, generally fundraising for other LGBTQIAPN+ causes.

Whilst we have noble purpose, it’s important to note, we are not a charity, we are not a NPF and we are not mental health support.

Euphoria Social acknowledges LGBTQIAPN+ individuals, which includes non-binary and pansexual individuals, this is a personal choice for our group to include them.

If you are in crisis or require immediate support, please contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Emergency Services on 000.


We are registered as: Not Applicable.

More details

LGBTIQ Owned and Operated: Yes
Service Delivery Format:
  • - Face-to-face
  • - Online forum/Group
  • - Email
  • - Website
Service Delivery Location:
  • - All of Victoria

Cost: $
Opening Times: Normal Business Hours

How to contact us

Contact Name: T
Email Address:

Social media:

No physical address.