Parents of Gender Diverse Children


We provide direct support to parents or those parenting a trans or gender diverse person. We can provide information, referrals, peer support and connections within this community. Parents of Gender Diverse Children provides tailored Professional Development and speakers to small and large groups. Our speakers are experienced panellists, presenters and facilitators.

Parents of Gender Diverse Children works hard to give a voice to parents and those parenting transgender and gender diverse children. We know that parents who are well supported are better able to support their children; and that feeling connected, safe and included plays a vital part in creating strong and resilient families.

More details

Service Delivery Format:
  • - Face-to-face
  • - Online forum/Group
Service Delivery Location:
  • - All of Victoria

Cost: Free

How to contact us

Phone Number: 03 9663 6733
Email Address:

Social media:

No physical address.