Julius Eastman: Gay Guerilla poster with date

Julius Eastman: Gay Guerilla

Drag Bingo Fundraiser with Minus18 poster detailing the date, time, location and sponsors of the event

Drag Bingo Fundraiser for Minus18

Ultimate 70s Retro Rewind Poster with date, location and times of the event. 70's aesthetic and iconography surround the text.

Ultimate 70s: Retro Rewind

'Ultimate 70's Retro Rewind' poster in stereotypical 70's aesthetic with event details displayed

Ultimate 70s: Retro Rewind

Melbourne Rainbow Band presents 'Visions & Reflections' - Event details, partners, and band members featured. QR code in bottom left.

Visions and Reflections

Opening Night : An Afternoon of Showtunes

Carols by Queerlight

Brolga: A Queer Koori Wonderland

MGLC and shOUT’ Sing About LOVE