Youth Author Talk and Writing Workshop poster with the line-up, date, time, location and sponsors of the event

Everything Under the Moon Author Panel and Writing Workshop

IDAHOBIT Youth Clothes Swap Trademark

IDAHOBIT Youth LGBTIQA+ Clothes Swap

Shout It Out! Trademark

Shout It Out

LGBTQIA+ youth soiree poster with date, time, location, QR code, flags, and trademarks of partners

LGBTQIA+ Youth Soiree

Five people smile at the camera with the text 'YOUTH FEST IN THE WEST' overlaid

Living with Disability LGBTQIA+ Social Meet Up! | Brimbank Youth Fest

An animated creature signs into a microphone, overlaid by the progressive pride flag.

The Hause of Crystal Queer presents the Half Baked Open Mic Night!

A Heartstopper marathon poster features date, time, location, "Free," and includes animated tickets, supporters, and a QR code.

A Heartstopping Marathon

Wear it Purple Youth Disco poster with date, time, location and partners featuring an animated rainbow and purple background.

Wear It Purple Disco 2023

Progressive pride flag with hands in a heart shape. Three trademarks of partners below.

Rainbow Young Carers