"Hana, the audacity to be free" written over a headshot of a person in a white button-down shirt

Book Launch for HANA: The audacity to be free

QUEER IFTARS Weekly Potluck Style animated poster, featuring bunting with stars and the moon.

Weekly Queer Iftars

Cherry Poppers showcase poster with date, time, location, prices and ticket link.

Cherry Poppers Burlesque Showcase

A close up of a person's hand cutting ribbons Infront of Thorne Harbour Health documents

Red Ribbon Workshop

Brolga, a queer koori wonderland poster with line-up, date and location

Brolga: A Queer Koori Wonderland

Bent Twig Alliance poster with partner trademarks and an animation of tree branches with leaves.

Free Open Bent Twig Seniors Lunch (LGBTQIA+ event)

The Pier Festival poster with date, time and location. An animated city scape with large monsters and octopus tentacles.

The Pier Festival

Two people in costume with a neon light filter. Both are dressed in Astronaut Costumes.


An abstract design showcases flaming flowers over a textured field of varied roots, with smaller, blurred flowers in the sky.

Elegy for an Elephant: The making of a picture book