A wet person grabs ropes tied in knots that hang from the ceiling. One hand is also positioned in front of their head.

HE by Rodrigo Calderón

"On the Couch with Beck Lister" poster with guest lineup, location, date, animated couches, and a headshot.

On the Couch with Beck Lister…part chat show, part therapy!

QUEER IFTARS Weekly Potluck Style animated poster, featuring bunting with stars and the moon.

Weekly Queer Iftars

The Love Booth poster features the event date and an animated masked person posing.

The Love Booth

Cherry Poppers showcase poster with date, time, location, prices and ticket link.

Cherry Poppers Burlesque Showcase

EDEN event poster with date, time and location. Three posters situated next to eachother.

EDEN, Wednesday 17 January 2024 ft. Sugar Plump Fairy | Hosted by Pup Roomba!

A person with expressionistic makeup places large clips on their hair.

Fluid Beauty

A close up of someone's eyes with a red and grainy filter.

Finally The Sun by Olivia Mroz

Historian's Call us Roomates, a Queer Cabaret poster with a headshot of the performer, the date, time and location of the event.

Historians Call Us Roommates: A Queer Cabaret