Koorie Pride Victoria

(Level 3) Koorie Pride Victoria is helping build visibility, strength and connection for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander LGBTIQAS&B+ people – our beautiful Rainbow Mob – across Victoria.

Who we are

In 2019, The Koorie Pride Victoria was formed to ensure the continuity of self-determination, connection and pride of Sexuality, Sex and Gender Diverse (SSG) Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people and their communities living throughout the lands known commonly known as Victoria, Australia.

The Koorie Pride Victoria works to ensure the protection and continuation of our cultural heritage which encompasses our ideas of sexualities, sex, and gender diverse history and knowledges. We do this through storytelling with the Koorie communities, as well as our sexuality, sex and gender diverse communities.

The Koorie Pride Victoria upholds the right to self-determination and celebrates our values and our diversity by advocating and supporting culturally safe inclusive practices for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples identifying lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and gender diverse, intersex, queer, questioning, Sistergirl and Brotherboy (LGBTIQAS&B) living in Victoria.

Koorie Pride Victoria will work with a continued emphasis on empowering and giving visibility by helping to build on and cultivate social and cultural change by connecting, supporting and empowering Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities identifying LGBTIQAS&B mob living in Victoria. We will also encourage and advocate for those LGBTIQAS&B mob living elsewhere across Australia and internationally.