Who we are
Q+ Law, the Victoria-wide peer-run LGBTQIA+ legal service, is up and running.
Q+ Law provides a safe entry point to access legal assistance for all individuals residing in Victoria who identify as part of the LGBTIQA+ community. Any individual who identifies as LGBTIQA+ can contact our service for initial advice, information or referral.
What we do
If you would like to refer clients to us we can provide information and advice on including but are not limited to:
- Discrimination, harassment and/or violence on the basis of LGBTIQA+ identity
- Issues affecting trans and gender-diverse people such as name change or access to services
- Family violence
- Family law
- Employment law
- Tenancy law
Areas of law we cannot currently assist with:
- Migration
Q+ Law can also provide ongoing legal assistance and representation on a case-by-case basis. Q+Law will prioritize assistance according to our expertise and community demand.
We do not take walk-in appointments. Please see and share our attached our referral sheet which can be sent to this email address for a warm referral: Qlawadmin@fls.org.au
If an enquiry falls outside the scope of our service, Q+ Law is still a useful service to contact as we will endeavor to provide your clients who are LGBTQIA+ with a referral to a safe and specialist service that can meet their legal needs.
Q+Law will also be providing Community Legal Education across Victoria. This will include:
- Sharing digital resource packs
- Community outreach regarding legal rights and how to navigate the legal system
If you would like to stay updated on what we are doing, please sign up for our mailing list here: https://forms.office.com/r/0fZg6KXSpb
If you have any enquiries or would like to organise a meeting with our team please contact our admin at qlawadmin@fls.org.au or call us on 03 9968 1002.