Freedom is Mine photo by Peter Casamento
(Jan – March 2022)
Freedom is Mine at the Victorian Pride Centre.
This important and timely exhibition features portraits by photographer Peter Casamento of LGBTIQ+ people seeking asylum, and is part of the 2022 Midsumma Festival program.
Exhibition dates: January 1 to March 25
Victorian Pride Centre opening hours: 9am – 6pm Mon to Sat, 10am – 6pm Sun
Ticketing/costs: Free, no booking required
Freedom is Mine has been developed as a collaborative project between photographer Peter Casamento and Many Coloured Sky, the Queer Development Agency of THREE for All Foundation.
The THREE for All Foundation is an Australian registered charity focused on community partnerships and community development initiatives that address human rights challenges for communities around the world that are especially disadvantaged by discrimination, poverty and displacement.
More about Freedom is Mine:
LGBTQI+ people from many parts of the world face persecution, violence and expulsion from their families and communities, and may be forced to flee their country. Those who come to Australia can experience prejudice, isolation, and material deprivation as they seek the freedom to be themselves.
Freedom is Mine is an intimate photographic portrait exhibition of LGBTQI+ refugees and people seeking asylum who are members of Many Coloured Sky’s Queer Refugee and Asylum Seeker Peers community. Photographer Peter Casamento gave his time to capture each participant in ways that help them to share their stories, challenges and hopes for the future.
Freedom is Mine image by Adam Thomas of photography by Peter Casamento