Launch of Q+Law at the Victorian Pride Centre – a Community-Led Legal Service for LGBTIQA+ Victorians

The Victorian Pride Centre welcomes new tenant, Q+Law – a state-wide legal service to meet the unique needs of our vibrant and diverse LGBTIQA+ communities. The new service was officially opened by the Attorney-General Jaclyn Symes MP and Commissioner for LGBTIQ+ Communities and Dr Todd Fernando.

Q+Law is a program of Fitzroy Legal Service, in partnership with Queerspace, Drummond Street Services. As a community-led service, the Q+Law team are all part of the LGBTIQA+ communities with diverse backgrounds and lived experiences. Through its connection to Queerspace, Q+Law is also supported through a community governance group that provides oversight of Q+Law and ensures the intersectional voices of LGBTIQA+ communities inform the development of the service.

Nestled within the Victorian Pride Centre, Q+Law provides a safe entry point for all LGBTIQA+ Victorians seeking legal support. Q+Law has outreach locations at Queerspace, Carlton and Your Community Health in East Reservoir. Phone and online appointments also provide access for those unable to attend their appointments in person.

Q+Law offers a safe and inclusive environment for the LGBTIQA+ communities to seek legal support around various issues. It can also help with specific issues, such as discrimination and harassment, and challenges impacting trans and gender-diverse individuals, such as changes to identity documents and access to health services. Additionally, Q+Law offers support to clients in matters concerning family violence, family law, criminal law, employment law and tenancy law.

Ryan Hsu, Director of Q+Law Service, says:

“Q+Law aims to create a safe and supportive environment for all LGBTIQA+ Victorian accessing legal support. Our program aims to alleviate barriers LGBTIQA+ people face in accessing support by fostering an inclusive, non-judgmental and LGBTIQA+ affirming environment.”

“We are already meeting the needs of the community, with over 80 community members being supported through legal advice and assistance. Our official launch will enable many more people to become aware of the new legal service.”

Q+Law will also empower LGBTIQA+ Victorians to understand their legal rights through various events and activities and work with other legal services and justice organisations to push for systemic change to improve the legal rights and entitlements of LGBTIQA+ communities.

Justine Dalla Riva, CEO Victorian Pride Centre:

“We proudly welcome Q+ Law to their new home at the Victorian Pride Centre. Q+ Law brings a new dimension of community services and resources to the Pride Centre which are vital to the wellbeing and health of LGBTIQ+ people. This is a big step in a positive direction for representation and inclusion in access to legal services, and we thank the Q+ Law team along with their supporters at Fitzroy Legal Service,  Queerspace and the Victorian Government for bringing this initiative to our centre for all LGBTIQ+ communities.”

Visit the Q+Law website here: