Telling it with Pride Speakers Program (TiPS)

Telling it with Pride: Speakers Program (TiPS Program)


EOIs for the 2024-25 TiPS Program are NOW OPEN – Submit your interest here

Download the TiPS Program Selection Criteria

Please review the information and complete the questions to apply for the 2024-25 TiPS Program. Submissions are open until midnight on Friday 6 September and decisions made September 12.

By joining the TiPS Program, you will not only enhance your storytelling and public speaking skills but also play a crucial role in fostering a more inclusive and empathetic society. Your story has the power to inspire change, and this program will equip you with the tools and confidence to share it effectively.

Download the TiPS Program Brochure.

If you would like to submit your Expression of Interest online form is not accessible to you, you can contact with any of the following methods:

  • Voice Memo
  • Email
  • Auslan Video


About the Program

The Telling it with Pride: Speakers Program (TiPS Program) is an exciting initiative by the Victorian Pride Centre designed to empower LGBTIQ+ individuals to share their personal stories with confidence and impact. Through this program, participants will receive comprehensive training, support to develop their skills in storytelling and public speaking. The ultimate goal is to promote understanding, empathy, and inclusion across various sectors in Victoria by amplifying the voices of LGBTIQ+ community members.

  • Open to LGBTIQ+ individuals across Victoria, with a special focus on engaging folks from regional, and rural areas.
  • Inclusive of diverse backgrounds such as First Nations Peoples, Transgender and Gender Diverse communities, CALD individuals, people with disability, and various age groups.
  • Accessible to participants from all parts of Victoria with workshops in-person and online support for remote participants.
  • This program is free for participants. Financial support/reimbursement for travel will be available for eligible participants.

Workshop Dates

WED 9th, 16th, and 30th OCTOBER – 11am-3pm
WED 13th and 27th NOVEMBER – 11am-3pm
Presentation During Midsumma Festival at VPC: TBC – WED 22 JAN – from 6pm


What you will get out of the TiPS Program:

Empowerment and Skill Development

  • Storytelling Workshops: Learn how to craft and share your personal narrative in a compelling and impactful way.
  • Public Speaking Training: Gain techniques for engaging an audience, managing public speaking anxiety, and using body language and voice effectively.
  • Media and Digital Storytelling: Explore how to use digital platforms, podcasting, and social media to advocate for social change.
  • Resilience and Self-Care: Develop emotional resilience and learn self-care practices to support your journey as a public speaker.

Professional Opportunities

  • Speakers Directory: Upon completing the TiPS Program, you will be featured in the Victorian Pride Centre’s Speakers Directory, connecting you with organisations, schools, and community groups for paid speaking engagements.
  • Networking: Build connections with other LGBTIQ+ individuals, industry professionals, and key organisations involved in the program.

Personal Growth and Community Impact

  • Confidence: Increase your confidence in public speaking and storytelling, empowering you to share your story with diverse audiences.
  • Visibility: Amplify your voice and contribute to greater visibility and understanding of LGBTIQ+ experiences in Victoria.
  • Support Network: Benefit from ongoing support and emotional support from the program’s facilitators and fellow participants.

Structured and Comprehensive Program

  • Fortnightly Workshops: Participate in regular workshops sessions to continuously build your skills and receive support.
  • Three-Month Duration: Engage in a structured workshop and training program over three months (Sept-Oct) and an opportunity for a final presentation as part of our Midsumma 2025 program at VPC.


Want to become an Official Partner of the inaugural TiPS Program? Get in touch

Your financial contribution would directly assist in the sponsorship of a participant, from regional and outer Melbourne areas, covering their costs and ensuring they can fully engage with the program, this would support financially in the following areas –
  1. Regional Outreach: Facilitating a wider call-out reach in regional Victoria to ensure LGBTIQ+ individuals outside metropolitan areas have access to the same opportunities and support.
  2. Travel and Accommodation Support: Providing travel and accommodation assistance for participants from outer Melbourne and regional areas to attend workshops and events in person.
  3. Participant Sponsorship: Offering sponsorship opportunities for individual participants from regional and outer Melbourne areas, covering their costs and ensuring they can fully engage with the program.
  4. Support: Providing continuous guidance and support to participants throughout the program.

Or… become a TiPS Program Individual Supporter for $250


*Top Image – In Bold Coaching and Development presentation at the Pride in Employment Jobs Expo 2024

The TiPS Program is proudly supported by the DFFH LGBTIQ+ Sector Strengthening Grant