Pride Registry

The Pride Centre has opened! Help us with the finishing touches.

Thank you to the LGBTIQ+ community and allies for your support to date of our Pride Registry.

The Pride Registry has been a great way for community to support the Victorian Pride Centre in fitting out the infrastructure, equipment and furniture our community needs at the new centre.

We now have only a few key infrastructure items, such as the Rooftop Pavilion, and ongoing yearly programs to support. You can start a Pride Giving Circle to raise funds for a Pride Registry item below or for Naming Rights of common use areas at the Victorian Pride Centre. Your Giving Circle can create a name to celebrate your group and identify themselves in the Pride Centre acknowledgements. 

To find out about our community rates for Naming Rights at the Victorian Pride Centre please

Your generosity will be acknowledged on our website. Donations of $5,000 and over will be acknowledged on our Honour Board within the Pride Centre. Where an item of $9000 and above has been supported fully by you or your Giving Circle, your name or your group’s name will be, where feasibly possible, declared on a plaque on or near the item you have supported.

Be a Plant Angel

Support the indoor plant life staying alive with ongoing plant care.


Gallery Furniture

Furniture for art lovers and those with a good pick up line about art…


Mezzanine Room Furniture

This stylish Mezzanine Room seats twelve people and is also a viewing platform for the theatre below. It needs good quality, multifunctional furniture to deck it out.


Pride Connection

Support public Wi Fiin common spaces at the Pride Centre.


Pride Volunteer Program

Support the resourcing of our large and growing volunteer team.


Rooftop Terrace Pavilion

Contribute to this Giving Circle, The Yvonne & Ayman Giving Circle - Fundraising for the Barbaresco Gardner Pavilion. The Pride Centre Rooftop is THE events place for Victoria’s LGBTIQ+ communities and this stunning pavilion is key to its success.


Support Community Access to Pride Centre Spaces

'Pay it forward' so that community groups and members without funds can book at the Pride Centre. 


Visual Arts Programming Year Round

The Pride Centre will provide opportunities for visual arts and archival display through programming, Pride Gallery exhibitions and display of art in other suitable spaces in the Pride Centre.


* Where an item is secured or donated by a group, the group’s name, as agreed by the Victorian Pride Centre, will be displayed in the acknowledgements. All plaques will be designed according to the Victorian Pride Centre signage guidelines. The images displayed are not the actual items but indicative of items we aim to purchase. These items will belong to the Victorian Pride Centre.