Support the resourcing of our large and growing volunteer team.
Support the recruitment, training and support of our essential and hard-working volunteer team.
Running a large Centre takes a large team! Operational volunteers on the ground ensure the Pride Centre runs smoothly and best serves the needs of the LGBTIQ+ community.
Recruiting, inducting, training and managing a large team of volunteers takes considerable resources and the Pride Centre team is a small one. Volunteers require training materials, PPE, security clearances, uniforms, First Aid and RSA certification, acknowledgement activities and specialised training as well as dedicated staff support.
Currently we have 50 fantastic volunteers who have started to staff the Concierge Desk. As the Centre opens up we envisage up to 100 volunteers to ‘person’ the Concierge Desk, assist with events, support community engagement activities, conduct tours, participate in training delivery, create content, and lend their expertise in other areas.
Volunteer contributions have played a key role from the outset, including all Board, committee and working group members and we are excited to see the Victorian Pride Centre community grow with the onboarding of operational Volunteers.
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*Your generosity will be acknowledged on our website. Donations of $5,000 and over will be acknowledged on our Honour Board within the Pride Centre.